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Last updated
Upon signing up you will be presented with an empty dashboard. You can add projects from this page. After adding your projects to the platform you can use the dashboard to get an overview of the total carbon and cost of your projects. Having this quick view will help give some actionable insights into what projects are performing poorly and may need extra attention.
On the home page, you can see an overview of the buildings in the portfolio and performance metrics. On both pages, you can see total carbon, carbon intensity, total cost, and cost per meter squared for your full portfolio. Additionally, graphs to help compare performance between buildings are provided at the bottom. Each project has its own panel with a name, address, carbon rating, and cost.
Lowest Concern 0 - 258 kgCO₂e/m²
Lower Concern 259 - 336 kgCO₂e/m²
Low Concern 337 - 415 kgCO₂e/m²
Moderate Concern 416 - 493 kgCO₂e/m²
High Concern 494 - 572 kgCO₂e/m²
Higher Concern 573 - 650 kgCO₂e/m²
Highest Concern > 650 kgCO₂e/m²