
Results Graph

Once a design analysis has been executed the results graphs on the right of the screen will be populated with an emissions and cost breakdown by element. If your inputs do not produce any viable results an error message will pop up. This is likely due to structural constraints pre-programmed into the software. If there is any uncertainty on why no results are being populated, or if a specific frame material is not being considered please consult the "calculations and assumptions" section or feel free to contact us directly.


The results panel will be populated with the emissions breakdown by material of that scenario and an overview of the building details. Here you can see the cost and carbon intensity, slab type, foundation type, etc. Clicking the specific element on the legend will disable it, using this feature you can isolate specific elements for analysis.

Saving Scenarios

After running a design analysis you have the option to save the design. Once saved, the design can be retrieved from the sidebar. The saved scenarios can be compared against each other using the compare feature, more details in “Compare Scenarios”.

Last updated